It works like this.
When Malpa is invited to a community there is a gathering of Elders, respected community leaders, parents and educators.
We discuss the question, “What do you think your kids need to know to lead strong, healthy and long lives?”
Then they choose two leaders to run the project.
The leaders develop the program to meet the needs of the community and involve traditional knowledge holders, western doctors, nurses, ambulance paramedics, dentists, nutritionists – whoever holds the knowledge that will empower the Young Doctors.
They visit Aboriginal Medical Services, hospitals, the bush, pharmacies – any place that enriches their experience and inspires their life choices and career choices.
Equipped with knowledge about nutrition, hygiene, environmental health, well-being and identity, health literacy and leadership, the Young Doctors spread that knowledge to their friends and family.
The projects run for fifteen weeks with fifteen Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Young Doctors in grade 4 at school and now the community selects young people in grades 5 and 6 to build on their knowledge and experience and become active community health ambassadors.