Malpa’s Young Doctors for Life is a unique, culturally derived, grass roots approach to train Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal children – 9-12 year olds – to become Young Doctors. This empowers the kids to take control of their health destiny and help shape the future in their family and community. We are actively supported by the Australian Indigenous Doctors Association, the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine and the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. We are endorsed by the National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO) and the Victoria Aboriginal Education Association Inc (VAEAI).
The Young Doctors are mainly Aboriginal but the project also involves their non-Aboriginal mates – malpas. There are currently 2,500 Young Doctors and more than 600 more will trained across Australia in 2023.
You can also find us on Facebook.
'Malpa' is a Pintupi/Warlpiri/Luritja word which means 'friends on the journey'.
The organisation was given permission to use this term by former Malpa Director and Warlpiri Elder, Rex Granites Japanangka.